Love is Everything, everything Part 2

            Someone great ...

Since we see each other almost every day, so many emotions are boiling up. Hiding my emotions is definitely not my strongest point, I think he knows that I still care for him, and I won't lie I still love him so much. It didn't take long for our colleagues to have noticed the tension and awkwardness between us. My bestfriend rushed into my office, slammed the door behind her and confronted me about our strange behavior. I didn't know how she would react about this as they are siblings. Everything feels strangely odd, in that moment I wished it had been a nightmare. I burst into tears and told her everything. Felt like it was happening all over again as I was talking about it. She was so disappointed in him, but more furious than disappointed. She was ready to scold him at that very moment at our work place. But I asked her not to do it, because I wanted no one else involved.

Mom called. She wanted to know what he did wrong, and why he did it. She was ready to step in. Everyone has been on his case, I understand that they were just looking out for me. But honestly I don't want anyone meddling in my relationship, what happened between the two of us has nothing to do with any third party. If we still have a shot at this, we need to talk it out , with no one else involved. I just don't understand how something so beautiful is ending, the beginning of the end. Was I not enough? Did I perhaps lack something. Was I just a joke to him. Was I an object he got tired of. So many questions I want to ask him, but that won't happen anytime soon, I guess. The yelling and the screaming, won't change anything at all. Unless he opens up to me. I stay up late, ask myself so many questions. I guess ignoring him won't help at all. Staying mad won't either. He called a thousand times, left messages but I haven't replied to any. Talking about it won't do any harm.

I never want to go to bed with the thought "why didn't I give him a chance to explain." Nothing's wrong with listening! I love him still. But the hurt is blinding me.

To be continued ... 


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