Trapped and Muddled. . . .


We often times focus too much on the things that doesn't really matter. We are caught up in so much unnecessary things around us, that we tend to lose focus of that which is important. Losing focus of the now, blurring out that which needs your attention, and overlooking the beauty in it, perfect view 🚮. 

Often times, we misinterpret Gods will with ours. Just because it's comfortable and alluring doesn't mean it's from God. We are too fast, thus losing focus easily. Give it a thought. Let's say you go to a restaurant, one of those fancy ones. You get there and order what you want to eat. In the meantime you order something else while waiting for the main dish. You wait patiently without disturbing the chef as you know how much work and effort it takes for it to be prepared! You actually understand the chefs work. Finally, when served, you enjoyed the dish so much you give compliments to the chef and a tip for the waiter. Wow! If only human beings were this PATIENT with the LORD as they're with each other.

 You see God's will is always PERFECT, period! You can't expect God to jump at your word, no. Allow Him to do what He does best. He is busy grooming and molting that which you have requested. He is no respecter of men! He sits in His own circumference! He is the great I AM. Stop looking beyond His alignment, rather allow him to work beyond your expectations 😊Stop giving the enemy so much freedom, allowing him to put you on a leash and pulling your focus away from the will of the Lord's. Stop running around and look closer CHILD! Trust you me that the enemy will flood you with lavish, bling and luxury, materialistic stuff which are seasonal. All of that only to shift your focus. Listen, your blessings will never be far from you, never! The things you are looking for, be it - happiness, peace, joy, love or any other thing you're seeking for- it's never far. All that is required from you, is to look a little closer and focus.

We are oblivious. We live in so much denial, that when it actually happens we shy away and look the other way. Acting abruptly will cause you so much more than one can think of. You can only be happy if you're in charge of your emotions. Don't place your happiness and joy on things, cause all of the earthly things will fade. Guard your peace! Don't allow petty things to snatch it.

There is no way you can lose focus if you go a little slower. A rapid is fast but loses its focus much quicker than reaching its destination, a snail is much slower but be rest assured that by the time it reaches the finish line, it has lived and experienced so much more than the rapid 😁enjoy the now and have fun! 

Also, social media is a LIE. Stop accommodating lies, half of those people only post for the "likes and hearts." I can safely say-most of them wish for a little genuine love! Appreciate what you have, be grateful for life everyday, it's free, fully paid for by the Lord.

Don't foget to Breathe, put the devil on the run and have lots of FUN while at it😉. Untill next time, SHALOM 🤞


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